Genitec full automatic glazing system is designed to serve all kind of glazing needs.
System works with two sided carousel system which are two additional axises acoupled withthe robot. This makesour system 8 axis. The advantage of this method is having the flexibility to use the robot system fully automatic and semiautomatic. If you want to manually load the robot it is possible and it is also
possible to use the robot with automatic conveyor system and manipulator.
Glazing Robot
According to the selected programme Glazing Robot immediately starts glazing. With the sensitive axises, every kind of movement can be taught to robot to ensure high-quality glazing.
After glazing manipulator picks up the product to carry it to the conveyor to be sent for firing. Manipulator can be very helpful and reduce workforce.
Finally, on the same conveyor the products are
directed to the kilns for loading.
Glazing Robot
Considering that Kuka robots are served by unique servo motors for every axis, this system allows the flexibility of every kind of angular movement for glazing. For every sanitaryware factory there are specific models which are very difficult to produce. Glazing is also one of the significant steps of the process. Kuka robot’s durability and flexibility allows producers to ease the process with the highest level of productivity. The most important difference of our system is the ability to update each program. This is quite important to ease the teaching process.
R&D and INNOVATIONS about glazing systems
Certainly, research and innovations in casting systems have led to significant advancements in sanitaryware industries.
These innovations and trends are indicative of the ongoing efforts to improve casting processes, making them more efficient, sustainable, and capable of producing higher quality products. Collaborative research among industries, research institutions, and academia continues to drive these advancements forward.